Sunday 10 June 2012


Just got back from diving and snorkelling in Exmouth, where we saw the amazing whale sharks :) As usual we ate too much fish n chips, and too many snacky carby things on the dive boat. And when we got back, we found some kind of hurricane had hit Perth, leaving trees toppled, a gale howling, and the temperature a chilly 18 C (lol). So I'm moving back into warming winter recipes, and particularly focussing on fresh vegetables to get us back into health before I go to India next week. Luckily we got back an hour before the shops closed, so managed to pick up some really excellent produce. I'm shopping seasonally, which means some of the summer things like peppers, aubergines and plums have fallen off the menu, but coming in are root vegetables, cabbage and pumpkin.

Tonight I really wanted the sharp tang of a minestrone, combined with the pleasing softness of simple cannellini beans and the heady aroma of fresh basil. So I made a variation on my previous recipe, skipping the green beans, putting the cannellini in at the end (they are much less sturdy than chick peas), and adding a swirl of rocket and basil leaves to the bowls as I served out the stew. Delicious.

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